Saturday, 1 August 2020

Highlands halfway cafe -

Rain and storm, mist-charm and cloud,
dusk and dawn, owl and barn.
Horizon lines remind of here
and there like a rainbow’s ‘and’ -

and is for breakfast at ‘The Golden Egg',
Highlands, halfway up or halfway down, where
on the wall a snow hare lives, and what remains
the wind snares in;  tumbleweed, jasmine, thistle 
and ivy trails around her crown
wave here at least, where ice terrain may stay.

Outside, glaciers have melted up-shining fossils
in baked snow sheen. One-day tourists
cluck at the kiosk hatch, flexing a clutch
of hot chocolate cash, too early
for ice cream Sundays. Every day,

stretch runner hikers reach for summits
marked on health insurance policies, tax returns, 
2 for 1 vouchers in waterproof wallets,
passing face-down remains of climbers 
as altitude pins on app markers; but from here, 
at The Golden Egg, breakfasts are divine. Heavenly
is… cracking scrambled eggs
in all kinds of weather, even
as the meadow mead below
is littered with broken bottles,
haiku shells and feathers.

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