Thursday 18 February 2010

People of the Lie

Although you loved him, you also reveled
in his humiliation, when his older surety
was ridiculed, his place in the world...a schism, irreparable.
You, a witness, unable to acknowledge
the pleasure in this administered damage,
instead admired his footsteps, your fledgling
predator to forever protect his greatest pretense.
However, from under those feathers of yours',
Swan and Peacock both have eyes of stone
and flashing infrequently is the pleasure you take
from what you never would condone.


Delia Psyche said...

Some schadenfreude is normal and inevitable in human beings, I'm sure--even if the person whom misfortunes befall is someone you love. And the not-so-amicable coexistence of the swan and the peacock--humility and pride, compassion and egoism--in the inner aviary is normal and understandable too. I admire the honesty of your introspection.

Nicky said...

David - I must sort out comment notification -thanks for a thoughtful comment -i am an introspective type tho this was written 2004/5? as biography, not autobiography, just btw! I am pointing to swan's vanity, cruelty, spite, more that humility, compassion etc Thanks for your thoughts.